Feel it come together

in your mind, in your heart,

in your body, in your spirit.

ALign your actions

with your values.

When we slow down and turn our attention inward, we can more clearly sense and identify what we truly feel. emotions lead us to what is most important to us.

With guidance and support, we can create a safe space to meet ourselves and others with greater compassion, validating the human experience in a collective context.

then, WE awaken from the trance of scarcity into the consciousness of sufficiency. We realize we have enough, we do enough, we are enough, Right here, right now.

In this recognition, we start to feel less afraid, our lives become more meaningful, we invoke sacred energy, and we begin to act in alignment with our truest values.

As we heal and align ourselves, we heal and align with the world. We find our way in the present moment with more peace, joy, integrity, and purpose. Now is the time.




Begin exploring your relationship with yourself by learning to turn inward and coming into presence with mindfulness practices and meditations. Learning how to ground, center and preserve your personal space are important skills for improving mental health.

self compassion

It all begins with something we were likely not taught growing up and that is that we can give ourselves the same love and compassion we give others. Self Compassion is a very powerful tool that is really at the heart of well being.


Personal values reflect what is important to you, what motivates your decisions and actions and are not the same as goals. When we assess what our values are, we can see where we might be out of alignment with them and understand what we want to change to feel less dissonant.

Sufficiency inventory

In what ways are you already resourced in your life? What are you grateful for? When we operate from a place of sufficiency, (knowing what we already have), rather than of scarcity, (what we fear we don’t have), we function on a solid ground and we invite growth.

  • 1:1 Coaching

    6 Session Package for optimum emotional wellness tool building so you can then coach yourself!

Wellness Coaching


Creating a plan that works for you


Through my personalized coaching, I’ll work alongside you to develop an integrated plan to achieve full mind, body, heart and spiritual wellness—often combining the practices of cognitive behavioral methods, self exploration, intention and goal setting, values assessment, sufficiency inventory, recovery from trauma through repair, with in session meditations and practices that work to relieve anxiety, dissonance, hopelessness and lack of motivation and focus, to restore inner peace, acceptance of life as it is and finding your life’s meaning and joy.

It is as simple or complicated as you want it to be. I honor you for who you are, as you are, and in that witnessing of your essence as your foundation, we will build on your strengths and happiness. Things will feel better and you will know how to coach and take deep care of yourself.

Some of the things we can work on together are boundaries, effective communication, mindfulness, self compassion, shifting mindset (perfectionism, imposture syndrome) managing strong emotions, identifying values, taking a sufficiency inventory and taking action from a balanced place in yourself.


Spiritual Alignment, mental health, emotional wellness, life transitions (graduation, early adulthood, marriage, parenthood, mid life, retirement), Life Purpose, Life balance, grief, money/sufficiency mindset, sparking creativity and joy