The Power Of the Dark

How absurd is it that, at a time when we most want and need to rest, to be, to not effort, we are expected to keep frantically plugging away at life, like the energizer bunny with Christmas bells on? Are you feeling this, too? 

This is the darkest season of the year. As animals, we need to hybernate: sleep more, move slower, and cozy up in our caves. Yet, the world keeps asking us to carry on at high capacity and even turn up the sound on all the “to do’s” and “shoulds.” 

What would happen if you tuned into your natural rhythm and listened to your true longings, to yourself? How would things change for you? How might the world change?

Maybe you love this time of year and all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. I get it! There is a magic in the air. I am beginning to realize what I love most of all this time of year is the darkness leading up to the light. The dawning of the birth of the new year, which is really the Winter Solstice; the moment in our planet’s cycle around the sun, when the days begin to grow lighter because of the way we are tilted in space.

Darkness is shadow and shadow is the twin of light. There is meaning in the stories we create to describe this oneness, in our own way, mixed in with the stories we’ve heard throughout our lives about it. We are living these stories and their magic now. 

How are you celebrating and honoring your nature and your being this time of year? How may I help? I am here, with you in spirit, and ready to share this longing with you to discover what the light brings, when you are ready.

In the meantime, rest my friends. Just be. Know you are loved.

May the magic of the darkness touch your heart and soul.


START WHERE YOU ARE (UPDATE: Will start Monday March 13 5:30-7:30 pm)


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