There is no place like the present moment to begin your wellness journey.

We all come to this moment in time with our own unique set of life circumstances and conditioning, challenges and hardships, joys and victories, as well as our personalities, gifts, values and essences.

We are also all living on this planet together and share many collective traumas and miracles that impact us all.

Our emotional wellness is tied to both. With awareness, compassion and discipline, we can enhance our well being as individuals, no doubt. As a community, we stand a greater chance of finding wellness in the context of belonging.

This Coaching Circle will present you with an opportunity to both individually learn about, get clear with, and set goals for yourself with the safety to explore, share, learn from and grow with others.

Enhance your overall well-being, while learning to better trust yourself, others, life and the universe.

Build your emotional wellness toolkit with supportive resources, skills, practices, exercises, and guided meditations.

2 hours In Person, In Community

12 Sessions a year, on the 1st Wednesday of each month, from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

$33 per Session

At The Flourish Center

2505 SW Spring Garden Rd.

Suite 200

Portland, OR 97219

What you get:

*2 hour in person group coaching (10 person max), expert led exercises, learning, sharing and discussions on a specific topic each month

*Tools, skills, practices and handouts shared electronically and in hard copy to reinforce learnings and inspire insight

*New connections and friendships

what to Expect:

* First hour of each group circle session will be check in and how previous learnings have integrated, including challenges and successes

* Second hour will be going over the next topic, with relevant research, wisdom, questions, sharing of insights, thoughts, and feelings, as well as direct practice of new skills introduced, such as a meditation, or an exercise. We will do this sometimes with the whole group and sometimes in smaller break out groups

What you’ll need:

*Journal and writing tool

*Meditation mat and cushion, if you have them

*Slippers, comfortable shoes or warm socks

*Water bottle and snacks

*Willingness to share, learn and grow!